Link para o artigo original
A grande notícia da semana passada foi a SpringOne 2GX em Washington, DC. Foi bastante divertida, como é hábito, e aparentemente 300 dos mais de 1000 participantes estiveram lá por causa do conteúdo Groovy e Grails, isso é um grnade indicador do interesse nas tecnologias – talvez em mais alguns anos sejamos perhaps mais de 50%
Existiu, como é hábito, imensa atividade no Twitter durante a conferência (procurem utilizando a hashtag #sg2x):

- @sbglasius: #springone2gx list of #grails adopters
- @chanezon: #s2gx @pledbrook & the kangaroo
- @ColinHarrington: Just ran across a HybridBinarizer. #otherPeoplesCode #s12gx #s12gx
- @glaforge: Slides of the #groovy Domain-Specific Language presentation by @paulk_asert @werdnagreb and myself at #s2gx available
- @tsuyocky: Thanks for letting me know the #gradle –daemon option at @Gradleware booth. It made my build time 3x times faster #springone2gx
- @paulk_asert: slides for my functional #groovy talk #s2gx
- @CedricChampeau: Slides from my #s2gx talk “#Groovy 2: Type checking to the rescue!”
- @pledbrook: I put the sample code from my #s2gx talk “#Groovy & #Grails for spring developers” on GitHub:
- @andypiper: Wow, all of the SpringSource Tool Suite projects (Spring, Grails, Gradle, tcServer, CF etc) are now Open Source on Github under EPL #s2gx
- @RyanVanderwerf: Pushed my Terracotta Grails 2 Demo app to github, slides also inside #sg2x #SpringOne2GX Thx to those who attended!
- @andypiper: “Grails is not just a web MVC system – and it hasn’t been for a while” says @pledbrook #s2gx
- @blunck2: I say got dang Groovy, where you been all my life? #byetojava #s12gx
- @aalmiray: Slides for “Groovy AST Demystified” #springone2gx
- @RyanVanderwerf: Just released v.3 of GVPS plugin, and updated slides of the Streaming Video in Grails presentation #s2gx #SpringOne2gx
- @sbglasius: #s1cfapp I won first prize in the @cloudfoundry app computer competition at #springone2gx you can win too: #gr8conf
- @kenliu: uploaded my slides for Modularizing Your Grails Application with Private Plugins here #springone2gx
- @ColinHarrington: Grails & Async slides deployed to CloudFoundry #s2gx #springone2gx
Publiquei um blog esta semana sobre Logging Hibernate SQL baseado numa questao colocada numa das minhas apresentações da 2GX.
Itens Diversos
- Anunciada conferência GR8Conf Europe 2013
- Mais truques com filtros Grails: JSONify Controller Actions
- Semana Spring – 16 Outubro 2012
Foram lançados 4 novos plugins:- android-gcm versão 0.2. Fornece um serviço para aceder fácilmente aos serviços Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
- app-forty-two-paas versão 0.1. Desenvolver aplicações Mobile, Web, Social, Enterprise e SaaS envolventes e interligadas utilizando ShepHertz App42 PaaS Cloud e Backend como Plataforma de Serviço
- cassandra-orm versão 0.2.6. Fornece métodos dinâmicos ao estili GORM para persistir objetos Groovy em Cassandra (mas não implementa a API GORM)
- wkhtmltopdf versão 0.1.7. Fornece uma forma de encapsular wkhtmltopdf, um utilitário simples de linha de comando para converter html para pdf utilizando o motor de renderização webkit, e qt
- airbrake versão 0.8.1. Plugin de Notificação para integrar aplicações com Airbrake
- build-info-tag versão 0.3.1. Coloca um ficheiro file no ficheiro WAR gerado e fornece
- cassandra-astyanax versão 0.2.6. Expõe o cliente Cassandra Astyanax como um serviço Grails e adiciona métodos dinâmicos
- cors versão 1.0.3. nstala um filtro servlet para gerir Access-Control-Allow-Origin e outros cabeçalhos CORS relacionados para permitir pedidos AJAX cross site na aplicação Grails
- ember-templates-precompiler versão 0.2. Pre-compila Templates Handlebars EmberJS
- functional-test-development versão 0.9.3. Instala um script, develop-functional-tests, que pode ser utilizado para desenvolver testes funcionais mais convenientemente
- google-visualization versão 0.5.6. Fornece uma biblitoeca de etiquetas para os gráficos interativos da API Google Visualization
- gvps versão 0.3. Aloja, gere e apresenta recursos de video, e converte formatos de video standard para o formato Flash FLV
- kickstart-with-bootstrap versão 0.7.2. Comece o seu projeto com uma boa aparência, com templates scaffolding adaptados para páginas CRUD standard utilizando Twitter Bootstrap
- mysql-connectorj versão MySQL Connector/J
- neo4j versão 1.0.0.M3. GORM para Neo4j
- plastic-criteria versão 0.4. Mock Grails Criteria para Testes de Unidade
- platform-core versão 1.0.M6.1. Fornece funcionalidades para os plugins utilizarem e conseguirem maior integração entre si e com as aplicações
- social-sharing versão 1.0. Fornece uma biblioteca de etiquetas para inserir ‘Sexy Bookmarks’ na aplicação
- vaadin versão 1.7.0-beta5.1. Adiciona integração Vaadin (
- webhook versão Regista e associa facilmente um webhook com serviços fornecidos por controladores individualizados
(Por sugestão do autor do artigo original as secções seguintes não se encontram traduzidas.)
Tweets Interessantes
- @DailyGrailsTip: Get half off the MEAP version of Grails in Action 2nd Edition with the code dotd1020 at checkout –
- @tomaslin: Seems like the GVM repo in github has moved from freshgroovy to – tell your moms. #grails
- @marcoVermeulen: @tomaslin #grails it has indeed, and in doing so has gained a new web page.
- @scottyfred: #Groovy, #Grails, #Gradle fans should follow @gvmtool. Good stuff coming here.
- @Grails48: HUGE news. @scottfarkas CEO of @atlassian is now a mentor to the #Grails and #Grails48 community. Big thanks to Scott for his time. #Groovy
@Grails48: MORE BIG NEWS: @danklynn CTO & Co-Founder @FullContactAPI a @techstars startup leveraging #Grails has joined our community
- @Grails48: Attendee update: 100+ folks attending #Grails48 so far. Welcome #100 @rajdgreat007 from New Delhi. #Grails #Groovy
- @AlexTatiyants: From my archives: XML Transformation Performance: Groovy vs XSLT #groovy #xml #xslt
- @russel_winder: Early indications that #Groovy with invoke dynamic is almost as fast as #Java for computationally intensive code. @StaticCompile not needed.
- @thenandagain: building grails from source #becauseican #geekcred
@bhagwatkumar: Finally migrated my project to Grails 2.2.0.RC1 from Grails 1.3.7, and its working fine on production
- @gr8conf: We’re happy to announce the dates of the next #GR8Conf Europe. Mark your calendar May 22nd – 24th 2013. #groovy #grails
- @gr8conf: If you have an idea for #gr8conf Europe 2013, please add it to this public brainstorm
- @rfletcherEW: Working on #Grails #AngularJS scaffolding again. Pushed sortable tables today:
- @GDBolinger: Spent some time going through several #grails services and being way more declarative. Too many read only transactions = slow system.
- @DailyGrailsTip: Externalise your configuration by setting the grails.config.locations property –
- @lucacanducci: I think I should read the @grailsframework guide like it was a book: lots of tips, all for free!
- @marioggar: Playing with hibernate envers in #grails. It’s like having a Big Brother on your app. Who did what, when…Cool!
- @winkler1: localtunnel is fantastic: “The easiest way to share localhost web servers to the rest of the world”. #grails #free
Ofertas de Emprego
- Dice keyword search for Grails
- Monster keyword search for Grails
- Careerbuilder keyword search for Grails
- SpringSourceJob Twitter feed
- SpringSource job search at
- Object Oriented Developer at Nationwide Insurance in Des Moines, IA
- @tfrevola: Grails Developer – Arizona – corp to corp ok
- @frangarcia: Por cierto, mañana tenía una entrevista con otra empresa de Londres que buscan un desarrollador Grails. Si alguien está interesado, mensaje.
- Grails job in Vienna, Austria
- Groovy Lead/Architect in Hyderabad
- Software Developer – Polanco, México DF
- Grails Lead role in Stockley Park
- Java-J2EE Developers in Philippines, Makati
- Java / J EE Enigneer in the Greater Denver area
- Grails/Groovy Developer in Dublin
- Senior Software Craftsman with Java/Grails exp in Ann Arbor, MI
- Groovy Grails developer in Phoenix, AZ
- Software Engineer – Groovy/Grails in Lexington, MA
- Senior Grails Developer in Duluth, GA
- Developer – Java and Grails experience in Sydney
- Java/Groovy/Grails Developer in Brooklyn, NY
- Senior Developer – Groovy, Java, Grails at Taulia in San Francisco, CA
- Web Programmer at
- Senior Software Engineer at Apple in Uxbridge
- Senior Java/Grails Developer in Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Grupos de Utilizadores e Conferências
- 13th-14th December, London
- January 25th-26th, Madrid
- Seattle Groovy/Grails Users Group
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