Link para post original de Burt Beckwith
O grande evento desta semana foi o 5º encontro anual Groovy & Grails eXchange na Skills Matter em Londres. Com 2 pistas e mais de 20 sessões muito se passou, e tendo pistas concorrentes significou fazer escolhas difíceis sobre qual a sessão a assistir. Mas felizmente Skills Matter é muito boa a gravar sessões e estava a disponibilizá-las em tempo de gravação anunciando a publicação da maior parte das sessões logo na sessão seguinte. Naveguem pelas descrições das sessões no horário da conferência para aceder a cada um dos videos.
A conferência do próximo ano já foi anunciada; vai ser nos dias 12 e 13 de Dezembro. Os primeiros 50 bilhetes custam apenas £95, de que é que estão à espera?
A minha sessão foi uma sessão intermédia/avançada sobre o plugin Spring Security – podem vê-la aqui e ver o respetivo post no blog onde estão os slides e a aplicação de demonstração.
Como em qualquer conferência houve muita atividade no Twitter; aqui estão alguns dos tweets que achei mais interessantes:
- @russel_winder: @pledbrook Lunch meeting in the garden at Barbican GGeX 2007 kicked off #Gradle. I know I was there. #grailsx #ggx
- @rfletcherEW: Enterprise software “has much to do with pathology” – @hans_d at #grailsx #ggx
- @dsommerville_nw: Amazed by undocumented #spock ‘optimizeRunOrder’ which can run tests most likely to fail *first* to minimise feedback loop! #grailsx
- @antony: What sort of party are we going to have when we hit 1k plugins? #grailsx
- @epragt: #grailsx Don’t use #hibernate update — Tip: indeed, use ‘validate’ instead!
- @epragt: #grailsx #wtf = web, twitter and forum @pledbrook
- @russel_winder: A few thoughts on my session at #grailsx yesterday #ggx
- @epragt: If you need to force your developers to write tests, you might have the wrong developers in your team… #grailsx
- @wmacgyver: Didn’t know about @Field in #groovy 1.8 for scripting #grailsx
- @dsommerville_nw: Really liking simplicity of #ratpack for developing lightweight RESTful webapps using #groovy and templating #grailsx
- @darthvader42: didn’t know about the #gradle dsl reference guide #grailsx
@epragt: Graeme Rocher really cares for the community, he even got dressed especially to be on the webcam with the audience. Limitless!
- @dsommerville_nw: Betamax: #groovy port of VCR from ruby; real HTTP connections are captured and played back as canned responses in tests #grailsx
- @paulfairless: Remind me again why we’re not using the fixture and build-test-data plugins #grailsx
- @rfletcherEW: After #grailsx @smaldini finds the best place to sit in London
- @epragt: Sorry #grails people for messing up the demo, but the Groovy Android Console works again!
- @marcinerdmann: Almost home after a great #grailsx. Thank you everyone, #groovy is as much about technology as about people. See you next year!
- @ldaley: Completely and utterly exhausted after Groovy & Grails Exchange 2011. So many great talks and so many great people. #grailsx
- @tomaslin: Cloud Foundry t-shirts from #grailsx say ‘You bet your PAAS it’s open’ on the back. Not sure I will be wearing it those to client meetings.
Itens Vários
- Contagem Decrescente para Grails 2.0: Persistence
- Sugestões para manter Grails um passo à frente – uma lista de desejos
- Integrando Google+ numa aplicação Grails
- Instalando weceem cms
- Apache Tomcat 6.0.35 Lançado
- Cinco Coisas Interessantes Que Se Podem Fazer Com Groovy Scripts
- Spring Security 3.1.0 Lançado
- Grails: Nomes de Tabelas Legíveis Graças aos Pacotes
- A Arte de Expressões de Comando Groovy em DSLs
- Esta Semana em Spring, 6 de Dezembro de 2011
Foi lançado 1 novo plugin:- marshallers versão 0.1. Registo e utilização simples de "marshallers" XML e JSON personalizados suportando configurações hierárquicas
- cloud-bees versão 0.5. Adiciona scripts para integração com a API de cliente CloudBees
- dojo versão Integra o toolkit javascript Dojo
- jquery versão 1.7.1. Integra jQuery
- proxool versão Pool de conexões jdbc Proxool
- redis versão 1.1. Fornece integração com a datastore Redis
- resources versão 1.1.4. Um framework de gestão e processamento de recursos
- viaboxx-dbmigrate versão 1.3.1. Configura e migra a base de dados do teu projeto
- webxml versão 1.4.1. Fornece funcionalidade adicionais ao ficheiro web.xml, tais como Filters, Config Listeners ou definições Context Parameter
- weceem versão 1.1.2. Um Sistema de Gestão de Conteúdos
Tweets Interessantes
- @aalmiray: #griffoninaction burning the midnight oil to get the last chapter (Productivity Tools) done before leaving for #ggx next week
- @nagai_masato: Cool. #groovy #eclipse plugin has supported quick-fix to add unimplemeted methods.
- @sjpwarren: Are there any #grails developers in Geelong, Melbourne, Surrounds?
- @alaverdyan: congrats to the Dev team at #be2 for their new “baby” (built from scratch) released in South Africa! #mongodb #grails
- @tomaslin: Grails Developers in London, avoid, they send companies unsolicited email and bait and switch you on positions.
- @leosbiglife: Web UI Goodness with Grails CoffeeScript, Backbone and HAML!. Interested? I just uploaded a how-to example on github –
- @glaforge: Une startup parisienne dans le réseau social qui fait du #groovy et #grails recherche des développeurs. Ca intéresse quelqu’un ?
- @CedricChampeau: First experimental statically checked GSP. Oh my, there’s still a lot of work to do! #groovy #grails
- @j_brisbin: Just apache-benched #Java #Groovy reactor fwk vs #nodejs streaming (1mb file x 100 concur users). me: 128ms, node: 267ms #JVM #FTW
- @simonthetwit: is a new #grails project I’ve been part of in South Africa. We are still in beta but it’s good to be live.
- @rfletcherEW: Anyone interested in #grails 1.3 -> 2 migration, I’ve been blogging some findings here: Will be posting part 2 soon
- @tednaleid: just released grails-redis 1.1, new memoizeSet, memoizeList, memoizeDomainObject, & more + less locking of connections
- Dice keyword search for Grails
- Monster keyword search for Grails
- Careerbuilder keyword search for Grails
- SpringSourceJob Twitter feed
- SpringSource job search at
- Groovy/ Grails Developer – London
- @twcrone: My company, Lexmark International, if officially adopting #groovy #grails for its cloud services. Come join us! ->
- @gsaqui: Anyone who is at #grailsx and is looking for work – sky is hiring 10 grails developers for 2 green field projects – come chat to me
- @thoughtworks1: For open roles and further information please visit or speak to us at SkillsMatter #grailsx
- @ryanwilkins88: I am looking for a #Java #Developer with #Groovy #Grails experience for an exciting greenfield project in London. Know anyone?
- Senior Software Engineer – Cloud Applications and Tools at Netflix
- Lead Grails/MVC Developer – Contract or Perm – Bay Area, CA
- Web Application Developer (contract) in Lexington, KY
- @occurred: Job in Linz/AT: Java/Groovy/Grails-Junior-Developer – DM me for more information. #groovy #grails #java #job #jobs #linz
@cfrerebeau: Fundspire is hiring developers. Interested to join a fast growing Startup: Require Java, Groovy, Grails or Javascript - @alicedice: Tengo dos vacantes full time. Uno para Java con Grails y otro Php con synfony. Informes y cvs a rh en RT svp.
- Web Developer, Grails / ColdFusion, London
- Senior Software Engineer (Java/Grails) in Bethesda, MD
- Very Very Senior Grails Developer at Whats In My Handbag in London
- @david9472: Need a Sr. level Java developer. Would be great to have Grails/groovy experience. Need ASAP.
- Senior Java Developer, Groovy/Grails in the UK, Crewe & Nantwich
- Two Java Groovy Grails Developers
- @wangjammer5: Interested in #Grails doing dev work in 2012 for an International Technical Publisher in NJ/NYC? Contact me for details. #jobs
- Back End Java Developer (Groovy/Grails) in Hounslow, West London
- Spannendes Praktikum Java/Grails Bereich, Berlin
- Senior Grails Developer (Contract) at Mobiquity
- Senior Software Engineer – Java, Grails/Groovy
- Grails Developer (contract) in London
- Work from home 2 days a week on an open ended Contractor in Dallas, TX
- 4 Fulltime Grails Developer and 2 contract Grails Developers
- Urgent Opening at Bangalore, India for Groovy/Grails
- Grails/Java developer in Auckland
- Java Developer-Are you groovy? (Atlanta)
Grupos de Utilizadores e Conferências
Holiday ‘Pub Night’ Meetup – December 14, 2011
- San Francisco Grails Cafe Centro
- Thursday, January 12, 2012
- Seattle Groovy/Grails Users Group
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