Link para artigo original de Burt Beckwith
Foram lançadas esta semana Groovy 1.8.4 e uma versão beta de Groovy 2.0 (renomeado a partir de Groovy 1.9). Vejam o post de Guillaume sobre as novidades, incluindo suporte para verificação de tipos estáticos e suporte para invokedynamic de Java 7.
Peter Ledbrook realizou um webinar sobre as novas funcionalidades em Grails 2.0 (“Melhor Produtividade: Grails 2.0″) que pode ser visto aqui.
Eu escrevi alguns posts esta semana; parece estranho escrever posts a sério em vez de escrever apenas estes sumários
Vejam Acedendo a GrailsApplication e ApplicationContext a partir de classes de domínio sem "holders", Passando por cima de construtores Groovy, e Cria a tua própria classe "holder" Grails.

Itens Vários
- Grande exito da conferência Greach 2011
- Grails: Descobrir o número de queries executadas para um determinado pedido
- Groovy Goodness: Encontrar Resultados Não-Nulos Após Transformação numa Coleção
- Algoritmos Groovy: Shunting Yard
- Vejam também a página Grails
- Permitindo aos Utilizadores Que Injetem Beans Personalizados No Teu Plugin Grails
- Esta Semana em Discobot (45.2011)
- Anunciando CodeNarc 0.16
- TDD em Grails
- Esta Semana em Spring, 8 Novembro 2011
Não foram lançados novos plugins, mas 12 foram atualizados:
- atmosphere versão Fornece integração com o projeto Atmosphere , um framework AjaxPush/Comet e WebSocket
- clover versão 3.1.2. Integra a ferramenta de cobertura de código Clover
- code-coverage versão 1.2.5. Gera relatórios de cobertura de código utilizando Cobertura
- cxf-client versão 1.2.2. Usa conteúdo gerado Apache CXF wsdl2java existente (ou novo) para invocar serviços SOAP
- sanitizer versão 0.7.0. Limpa instruções para impressão (HTML, XHTML, CSS) utilizando Filtros AntiSammy OWASP
- spring-security-twitter versão 0.4. Extensão ao plugin Spring Security Core para Autenticação Twitter
- struts-menu versão 1.2. Versão básica Grails de acesso a Struts Menu
- taggable versão 1.0.1. Adiciona suporte para associar etiquetas (tags) a classes de domínio
- uploadr versão 0.5.2. Uploader de ficheiros Drag and Drop HTML5
- website-optimizer versão 0.2.1. Fornece etiquetas para integrar facilmente experiências Google Website Optimizer na tua aplicação Grails
- yui-minify-resources versão 0.1.4. Minmiza css estático e recursos js utilizando a biblioteca YUI Compressor
- zkui versão 0.5.M1. Integra ZK com a infra-estrutura Grails de forma transparente; usa a infra-estrutura Grails como por exemplo GSP, controladores em vez de zul de zk como no plugin ZKGrails
Tweets Interessantes
- @ArturoHerrero: The slides about Functional Programming with #Groovy #greach
- @weceem: We’re pleased to announce that Weceem CMS 1.1 is released. More info: (includes #Grails 2 RC1 compatibility)
- @mjparme: Writing Grails integration tests for the domain objects is tedious, but so worth it in the long run
- @energizedwork: @mfloryan + @marcjohnson will be developing a test-driven #grails application in 60 minutes at #xpdaybe –
- @spring_io: Call For Papers abierto, esperamos vuestras propuestas de Spring, Groovy & Grails y Cloud #springio
- @ibriscoe: What?? Two tracks at the #grailsx!? Now I really need Hermione’s Time-Turner
- @gr8conf: GR8Conf landing page has been rewamped. now running on #weceem #gr8conf #groovy #grails
- @rotty3000: #arkadiko, integrate #osgi into a #spring/#grails app in 5 minutes
- @jameschesters: Just published: talk by @ldaley on #Geb #Gradle #webautomation @skillsmatter. Watch it here: #groovy #grailsx
- @padraicdoyle: switching to amazon ses for transactional email…grails aws plugin made transition smooth…under 5 mins
- @pledbrook: is now running on #grails 2.0.0.RC1
- @marcoVermeulen: Just realised that #sts now supports auto-completion in tags for available controllers and actions. Nice! #grails
- @gershwinou: building my own #github issues front-end inside my #grails app. Anybody interested in a plugin?
- @sebi2706: My #grails & #groovy evangelization in the french riviera has started !
- @epragt: programming #groovy #discobot and hacking #ant scripts is clearly taking it’s toll on @marcinerdmann
- @benboggess: Tired of redeclaring transients in subclasses? static transients = Parent.transients + ['moreTransients'] #grails
- @eriwen: I wish Groovy programmers would type their variables more. You know it’s a List, don’t type “def”! Looking at you 27-year-old @eriwen. Idiot
- @scottyfred: Details on wrapping a #groovy script using #gradle:
- @wmacgyver: Looks like @cemerick just created #groovy grab in #clojure
- @danklynn: Hey #grails devs, if your GSP has “<%" or "%>” in it, #youredoingitwrong
- Dice keyword search for Grails
- Monster keyword search for Grails
- Careerbuilder keyword search for Grails
- SpringSourceJob Twitter feed
- SpringSource job search at
- Grails/Groovy Developer in Cambridge, MA
- Senior Cloud Developer at Lexmark International in Lexington, KY
- @bermonpainter: Any freelance front-end devs looking for a quick 1-2 week project (tight timeline)? HTML/CSS/JS on Grails.
- Java Groovy Developer – Austin, TX
- @DIS_IT_Berlin: Backend Developer (Groovy and Grails) wanted! Bis Ende des Jahres mit Verlängerungsoption #dev #berlin #freelance #grails #java
- @DIS_IT_Berlin: Welcher Groovy&Grails Entwickler (m/w) hat Kapazität für ein neues Projekt in Berlin? Gerne auch Empfehlung! #dev #java #berlin #freelance
- @padraigcarroll: Java Grails position live at the moment! If you would like to work in Dublin, or would be interested in working within a small team in a gl…
- @0xPIT: #grails and/or #playframework developer? Work for for us and for good $ in lovely #munich. Msg me for more infos.
- Groovy/Grails Developer – Chicago
- @brentmhall: Looking for a seriously talented developer to join us @HelloMedical #java #groovy
- Excellent opening for Groovy / Grails – Bengaluru/Bangalore
- @GeoffWherrett: Anyone know any Java contract developers? Grails experience preferred
- Desarrollador web – Bilbao
- Grails/Groovy opportunity (Contract to hire) at Mobiquity in Wellesley, MA or Providence, RI
- Java Developer with Grails in N.Manchester, UK
- JAVA/J2EE – Grails x2 Montreal or Ottawa
- Intranet Developer (Java, Groovy & Grails, MySQL, Tomcat) in London
- Grails Developer in London
- JAVA/Grails/Oracle Architect in Rancho Cordova, CA
- Front end Java Developer with Grails and Groovy experience
- Immediate need for a contract Groovy / Grails developer in Minneapolis, MN
- Urgent opening for the Sr Programmer Analyst, Initial Hyderabad and later to US (Addison, TX)
- Web Developer position in Waltham, MA
- 3 Openings for Full-Time Grails Developers (both Junior and Senior Level) in Columbus, OH
- Web Integrator at Hibe in Montreal
- Hands-On Lead Architect needed with Java/ScalaGroovy experience
- Need a Part-time or a Freelance Groovy/Grails developer who can help coach the team in East Bay, CA
Grupos de Utilizadores e Conferências
- 15th November 2011 in Canberra, Australia
- December 8th and 9th in London
- Oslo Groovy Meetup
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