Link para artigo original de Burt Beckwith
O suporte Cloud Foundry para o sistema de mensagens RabbitMQ foi anunciado esta semana. Espreitem este tutorial de Chris Harris utilizando os plugins Cloud Foundry e RabbitMQ.SpringSource Tool Suite 2.8.0.M1 foi lançado esta semana e inclui suporte para Grails 2.0 M1 entre outras atualizações e correções.
Existe um plugin novo interessante que fornece “Um Interface de Utilizador Shiro básico" (versão 1.0-beta3). Eu estou interessado, não porque o vá usar, mas porque outros o podem fazer e isso irá aliviar alguma pressão de suporte que existe sobre os plugins Spring Security colocando-a sobre o plugin Shiro

A equipa Groovy está a trabalhar na mudança do seu código-fonte de SVN para Github. Vejam esta importação inicial.
Itens Vários
- Um blog movido a Groovy?
- Esta(s) (duas) semana(s) em Discobot (30-31.2011)
- Apache Tomcat 7.0.20 Lançado
- Anunciado o Fim de Vida para Apache Tomcat 5.5
- Repost de Sexta-Feira: Remover métodos MetaClass Groovy
- Novo plugin Grails Redis Lançado
- REST fácil: Groovy, Grails, e JAXRS
Foram lançados 4 novos plugins:- shiro-ui versão 1.0-beta3. Um Interface de Utilizador Shiro básico
- spring-social-core versão 0.1.2. Permite ligar as aplicações com fornecedores de Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) como Facebook e Twitter
- uploadr versão 0.4.2. Upload de ficheiros Drag and Drop em HTML5
- yui-minify-resources versão 0.1. Minmiza css estático e recursos js utilizando a biblioteca YUI Compressor
e 15 plugin foram atualizados:
- birt-report versão Incorpora na tua aplicação relatórios criados utilizando BIRT Report Engine
- browser-detection versão 0.2. Fornece um serviço e uma biblioteca de etiquetas (tag library) para deteção de browser
- drools-gorm versão 0.5.2. Integra Drools 5.2 e jBPM 5 e fornece armazenamento persistente usando GORM
- grails-yui-widget versão 0.1.2. Cria Widgets YUI através de TagLibs
- growler versão 0.2. Usa o plugin jQuery, e o plugin jGrowl jQuery para permitir notificações do tipo Growl a partir de chamadas de função remotas
- jquery-file-upload versão 0.2. Fornece recursos comuns para e etiquetas de auxílio
- jquery-ui versão 1.8.15. Fornece recursos jQuery UI, e depende do plugin jQuery para incluir as bibliotecas centrais jquery
- jqueryui-widget versão 0.1.3. Allows the creation of jQuery-UI via Grails TagLibs
- js-tree versão 0.2. Integrates the jQuery plugin
- plugin-config versão 0.1.4. Simplifies plugin configuration tasks
- sendfile versão 0.2. Permite a utilização das funcionalidades sendfile ou X-sendfile dos servidores web
- spring-social-twitter versão 0.1.3. Liga as tuas aplicações ao Twitter
- tiny-mce versão 3.4.4. Integra o javascript e etiquetas do editor TinyMce para incluir o editor nas páginas GSP
- transaction-handling versão 0.1.3. Gestão Avançada de transações – um backport de
- zkui versão 0.3.1. Integra ZK com a infra-estrutura Grails de forma transparente; usa a infra-estrutura Grails como por exemplo GSP, controladores em vez de zul de zk como no plugin ZKGrails
Tweets Interessantes
- @baunax: Just released a new versão of #Grails #Drools-GORM plugin based on #Drools v5.2.0.Final and #jBPM5 v5.1.0.Final
- @wmacgyver: if you are using #groovy http-builder via @Grab, put @GrabExclude(“org.codehaus.groovy:groovy”) to prevent versão range scan.
- @domix: How to write a Twitter client with zero lines of code #grails #springSocial
- @tednaleid: released the grails redis plugin (old plugin is moving to redis-gorm) adds connection pool, memoization, taglibs, etc
- @skillsmatter: Just scheduled for #grailsx 2011: @aalmiray on #griffon and @hans_d on #gradle. Get your ticket here:
- @epragt: First Junit test pass on #Groovy #Android emulator!! Only 1500 to go! Check #Gradle plugin by @marcinerdmann!
- @pbhalesain: If you are interested in teaching #springframework #grails #playframework #hadoop #Ossoftware please get in touch
- @SweGUG: Feel like talking at our next meeting? Would love to get in touch with you i that case! #groovy
- @wangjammer5: Three new rules of #Grails plugins 1/3: always pass failFastOnError: xx that you expect when calling – or app can break you
- @wangjammer5: Three new rules of #Grails plugins 2/3: always set GSP page codec to what you expect/need in *every* plugin GSP – or the app can break you.
- @wangjammer5: Three new rules of #Grails plugins 3/3: Always set domains your plugin provides to autoImport false w/GORM mapping DSL or you can break apps
- @wangjammer5: And for the record, *none* of my plugins do this yet. It is an emerging pattern of problems pushing us this way. #Grails
- @wangjammer5: In essence #Grails plugins must never rely on global application settings.
- @Han_Cholo: Freaking sweet I got the DB Console #grails app working on Cloud Foundry! #cfoundry
- @pledbrook: #shiro gets a new #grails plugin: – admin UI & password recovery.
- @darthvader42: This week we went live with a ecommerce #grails application for a very large german company – sorry no more details because of NDA
- @deanriverson: Exciting news! Looks like Jim Clarke and I may be doing a deep-dive technical session on GroovyFX at #JavaOne. #groovy #javafx #griffon
- @Mekaeg: Ruby on Rails!…Groovy and Grails!…Cobol on Cogs?
- @wangjammer5: For those of us who write docs for plugins using grails-doc, @pledbrook is an unsung hero after adding YAML TOC/frontmatter to save us. Tnx
- @mengukagan: #grails has a #scala plugin. so when things go worse i can use scala instead of #java. well, yay for me!
- Dice keyword search for Grails
- Monster keyword search for Grails
- Careerbuilder keyword search for Grails
- SpringSourceJob Twitter feed
- SpringSource job search at
- Groovy/Grails Software Engineer at Vsnap in Boston
- Groovy Grails Developer at Bloom Health in Minneapolis, MN
- Senior Front End Web Developer at Closely in Denver, CO
- Software Engineer – Front End at Taulia in San Francisco
- @recruitTopIT: Java, Groovy & Grails full time opportunity both in VA and MO… Interested??..?? Growing company with tons of growth potential… email re…
- Software Engineer, Java/Grails at j2 Global Communications in Los Angeles, CA
- @jeffurban: Currently looking for Groovy/Grails consultants.
- @Zack_Davis: Looking for a Java Developer with Grails experience for a 100% work from home role to start ASAP, message me if interested.
- @rotbart: In need of some Groovy/Grails guns in Melbourne- immediate availability, or alternatively Java & RoR masters. Please RT
- Web Development Director – Bonita Springs, FL
- @mgkimsal: Grails devs – anyone looking for a job in the South (US). Give me a ping.
- @Devonshire_Jobs: Ruby/Grails/Rails with a creative side? Want 2 get excited bout ur work environment, colleagues, opportunity? Msg @jasonebowser 2 learn more
- @Schmidty71: looking for a experienced Groovy Grails developer for a 6 months. please contact me if interested #grovvy #MNjobs
- Web Application Developer : with Groovy & Grails experience : Downtown Toronto
Grupos de Utilizadores e Conferências
- CamelCaseCon – The Next Generation of Programming Languages
- 7. September 2011 in Düsseldorf
- 7. September 2011 in Düsseldorf
- SpringOne 2GX 2011
- October 25th-28th in Chicago, IL
- October 25th-28th in Chicago, IL
- Greach
- 4 de Noviembre de 2011 en Madrid
- 4 de Noviembre de 2011 en Madrid
- Groovy & Grails eXchange
- December 8th and 9th in London
- December 8th and 9th in London
- Adding High-performance Search to Your Grails App – Tuesday, August 16
- San Francisco Grails Cafe Centro
- San Francisco Grails Cafe Centro
- Domain Specific Languages: Fighting accidental complexity in a sea of technology – Wednesday, August 17, 2011
- Washington DC Area Groovy User Group
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