(Artigo original de Burt Beckwith)
Ontem o Graeme escreveu no twitter sobre algumas startups Grails interessantes, e isso resultou numa série de respostas se outros que também estão a trabalhar em startups Grails. Há muita coisa interessante a acontecer:- @graemerocher: Cool #grails startups http://t.co/xp7HFtM http://t.co/c4cROqS http://t.co/mNFg9Vm http://t.co/mrtkjeG http://t.co/z9zjLej
- @eloudsa: @graemerocher Another cool #grails startup: http://t.co/iStW0qG
- @drayah_: @graemerocher we’re working on http://t.co/mhqIidO using #grails #nodejs #socketio
- @giri_sreenivas: @graemerocher we’re a #grails startup as well: http://t.co/bkN1Zag @mobilisafe
- @warneronstine: @graemerocher we’re grails/couchdb
/cc @humanmosaic http://t.co/drpGL8s
- @mikebroc: @graemerocher And us! #grails startup: www.visibiz.com
- @wangjammer5: @graemerocher http://t.co/4OhMoZC too, perhaps not so cool tho
@NoticeLocal which also uses @weceem ! 100% #grails
- @agassner: @graemerocher it’s not a startup but it’s another #grails application sky.com/orderboxoffice
- @rafael_luque: @graemerocher another #grails startup: Bkool.com
- @kenliu: @graemerocher not a startup, but our site has some pretty cool stuff, like this: http://t.co/7nhgM1I 100% #grails
Itens Variados
- Primeiros passos com Grails
- Grails + SQLFire Começo Rápido
- Hacking Scripts Grails com “run-script”
- Novo Exame Cinturão Negro: “Grails Básico”
- Colaboração entre Grails e Artifactory Online Anunciada na JAXconf
- Fazendo Acontecer o Recarregar de um Controller em Win7 com Grails 1.4M1
- http://observatoriodegrails.com/hoy/?date=2011-06-20
- http://observatoriodegrails.com/hoy/?date=2011-06-22
- http://observatoriodegrails.com/hoy/?date=2011-06-23
- http://observatoriodegrails.com/hoy/?date=2011-06-24
- Integração Grails Cloud Foundry Integration
- Plugin de Autenticação Twitter para Grails
- Grails Setup
- O Melhor Método Groovy de Sempre
- Esta Semana em Spring: 21 Junho 2011
Foram lançados 3 novos plugins:- flyway versão 0.1.2. Fornece integração com Flyway
- grails-yui-widget versão 0.1. Cria Widgets YUI através de TagLibs
- transaction-handling versão 0.1.1. Gestão avançada de transações – um backport de http://jira.grails.org/browse/GRAILS-7093
- avatar versão 0.5.1. Fornece uma taglib para mostrar avatars
- filterpane versão Adiciona capacidade de filtragem
- i18n-fields versão 0.5. Fornece uma maneira declarativa de localizar (i18n) campos de classes de domínio para diferentes línguas
- jalarms versão 0.3. Envia notificações da aplicação via JAlarms usando um leque amplo de protocolos
- sharding versão 0.4. Define múltiplos shards da base de dados para escalar os dados horizontalmente
Tweets Interessantes
- @diegodfsd: “grails stats” #cool
- @marcinerdmann: just started working on a #grails #soapui plugin for our internal project, it’s a good candidate to open source it one day…
- @nllarson: When it doesn’t work, always try ‘grails clean’ first #reminderToMyself (cc: @jondejong)
- @majaschreiner: Very nice demo on simplicity by Dierk König from #canoo http://t.co/sVZdvD5 #Jazoon #grails
- @skillsmatter: Just published: last night’s #GGUG talk by @guspower on #lesscss @skillsmatter Watch it here: http://t.co/LGxvU3G #groovy #groovysm
- @james_prickett: VMware products let me play “architect” but still deliver tangible value. instead of UML and Visio drawings its Grails and virtual servers.
- @Ivanhoe: Sumamente productiva la noche con el plugin de #Flex para #Grails http://t.co/c3OBOas
- @bgoetzmann: A short screencast on Grails Atmosphere Labs using Atmosphere and dynamic handlers/broadcasters creation! http://screenr.com/DKHs
- @glaforge: I’d be curious to hear what people would like to see at the next #gr8conf… some original ideas? content / format / whatever?
- @bgoetzmann: I’m completing the Grails Atmosphere Plugin documentation on creating/removing Atmosphere handlers. http://j.mp/jUqxfs
- @bgoetzmann: The Atmosphere demonstration code corresponding to the http://j.mp/kg6trz screencast just added to Grails Atmosphere Labs http://j.mp/ln57jF
- @grailsinfo: visit the re-styled #grails.info site at http://j.mp/mkU2aT and give some hints to improve @grailsinfo
- Dice keyword search for Grails
- Monster keyword search for Grails
- Careerbuilder keyword search for Grails
- SpringSourceJob Twitter feed
- Software Engineer at SRA International in Charlottesville, VA
- @davidjwbailey: Any friends with Grails/Java experience looking for a UK job in a lovely little web/music co? Drop a line to @Supajam and say I sent you
- Java Developer, Trade Insights – New York, NY
- Java Developer [Consultant] – New York, NY
- @neilellis: #Groovy and #Grails #job in London, cool project and company (I’m told) if you’re interested let me know and I’ll put you in touch
- Grails Developer – London (contract)
- Grails / Java / Javascript engineer at TurnTo in NYC
- Java Developer – Groovy and Grails in London (contract)
- State Filing Developer – Java/Grails in Duluth, GA
- @tfrevola: Grails Developer…HELP. Corps ok.
- @pmcneil: anyone want some #grails work in Canberra? I may have some for you.
- @megs04: If you have #Grails, I have a #job for you! #CN-tec.
- Senior Cloud Application Developer at Lexmark in Lexington, KY
- HBase / Groovy Engineer at Rainmaker Technologies in Boulder, CO
- Software Engineer – Grails Web Service in Bellevue, WA
- @darthvader42: one of my customers (smart *and* well founded startup) is still looking for a #grails developer in #Munich, contact me for details.
- Senior Java Developers – Grails
- @NOT5TROM: Berlin: Mehrere Java/Grails-Entwicker gesucht von paux.de #Java #Tec #Science #elearning #Grails
Grupos de Utilizadores e Conferências
- CamelCaseCon – The Next Generation of Programming Languages
- 7. September 2011 in Düsseldorf
- 7. September 2011 in Düsseldorf
- SpringOne 2GX 2011
- October 25th-28th in Chicago, IL
- October 25th-28th in Chicago, IL
- “The return of La Marmite – Hands-On Grails” Jeudi 7 juillet 19h30
- Duchess France
- Duchess France
- Thursday, July 14, 2011
- Seattle Groovy/Grails Users Group
- Seattle Groovy/Grails Users Group
- Deploying Grails Applications to Cloud Foundry – Thursday, July 14, 2011
- Boston Grails Users’ Group
- Boston Grails Users’ Group
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